Parents Of Suicides
Stories From The

We are parents who have lost children to suicide. These are our writings about our losses and about the aftermath left behind by those who die by suicide.

River of Tears

If we could put all the tears together we've shed for our beloved children, it would be called the River of Tears.

This river would be deep with pain.
The color dark with sorrow.
The current swift with emotions.
The bottom rocky.
The banks hard to climb.

If left to grieve alone, it could pull us under by it's strong under tow.

For this reason, we have come together as Parents of Suicides, bonded in the love and the loss of our children. Together we share, care, and support one another in our journey with grief.

Written by: © Carol Pettersson

Parents Of Suicide Web Site
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Parents of Suicides Love Wall
1000 Deaths Web Site

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Writing Project Librarian

This award is presented to "ALL" members of the
Parents of Suicide Group for their never ending efforts to
"Keep Their Children's Memory Alive".

Karyl Chastain Beal.......... WIND BENEATH MY WINGS

Karyl Chastain Beal.......... ARLYN'S BIRTHDAY

Mary Pummell................... CHERIE'S STORY

David Ziv........................... GOODNIGHT, KEN, SWEET AND PLEASANT DREAMS

Lloyd Carson..................... STEPHEN'S STORY

Lloyd Carson..................... A MAN

Sharon Shipley.................. THE DAY MY WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWN

Sharon Throop.................. "THE WENDY-KID"

Mandy Tanses................... GEOFFREY'S STORY

Anita Triplett.................... FINDING DAN

Anita Triplett.................... EXCERPTS FROM A LETTER TO A FRIEND

Glenda Rhodes.................. KEVIN'S STORY

Jan Jackson...................... RYAN'S STORY

Marge Cline...................... MIKE'S JOURNEY TO MEMPHIS

Robert Gentile................... WRITINGS FOR CARLOS

Susan Singleton ............... MISHA'S STORY

Irene Oosthuizen............... CARL'S STORY

Mary Kennedy................... DANNY'S STORY

Faye Martin....................... LIFE AFTER LISA

Laura Duffy....................... RICKY’S STORY

Steven L. Berry.................. CONNOR CELEBRATION OF LIFE

Trisha Johnson.................. TWO POEMS FOR MITZI

Gail Stevenson................... POEMS FOR BRANDON

Linda Sabado.................... VICTRINA'S (VICI) STORY

Amy Simonetti .................. JOSHUA’S STORY

Ruth Burleson................... CLAUDE'S LAST DAY

Madeleine Monaco............ MY SON JOHN

Jackie Poland.................... THE POEM: "I'M FREE"

Becky McClanahan............ A MESSAGE FROM JOE

Argia Caines...................... RAPHAEL MY PRECIOUS BOY

Pat Lewey.......................... KEVIN’S STORY

Donna and Arlie Vibbert .... JOSH’S STORY

Elaine Davison................... MARK BAKER

Sandra Nowalk.................. DANNY B.'S STORY

Vicki Griffiths.................... MY CLOSEST BUDDY - JOEY

Beth Tolley ........................ CRAIG STEWART TOLLEY

Linda Hirsh ....................... NAT, THE ENIGMA

Bruce Stein ........................ MICHAEL'S EULOGY

TRISH in R.I...................... MELISSA JEAN, MY "HONEY BEE"

Kimberly Hargrove............ TRIBUTE TO CHRISTOPHER "CHRIS" PEREIDA

Kimberly Hargrove............ CHRISTOPHER - A GIFT FROM GOD…MY ANGEL!

Sherry Phillips................... JORDAN'S STORY

Donna Bellner.................... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM BELLNER

Brenda Flowers.................. KIMBERLY'S STORY

Nancy Fortier..................... TO: TODD PATRICK FORTIER

Ranata Kliemchen.............. KENNETH'S STORY

Janine Chappell.................. CORY'S STORY

Bob & Lynda Humphrey...... INTRODUCTION TO DARREN

Jill Lindsey......................... ~~DUSTY: A LOVE STORY~~

Sherry Biddle..................... BRIAN'S STORY

Shannon Taylor................. MY SUN, MOON, AND STARS HAVE GONE AWAY!

Erica van der Werff............ LETTER TO JOHN

Marcia Gelman Resnick...... DOUG'S STORY

Geri Dunn........................... DAN'S STORY

Marlene Meyer................... ERIK'S STORY

Tracy A Toner..................... VICTOR'S NIGHTMARE IN MOORESTOWN, NJ

Willis M. Day...................... NATHAN, “GOD'S GIFT”

Mindi Nevils........................ MICHAEL'S STORY

Andrea R. Taylor................. WHEN JONATHAN WAS BORN

Deb J................................... GARRY JR., MY SUNSHINE

Maggie Zarcufsky................. SHAUN, MY BLUE-EYED BOY

Wanda Brockson................. FOREVER JOE

NOTICE: All of the writings listed on this page are Copyrighted ©
by the individual author. Any copying or use of the writings in any manner
is forbidden without the express written permission of the author of the
article. Each writer has had a loved one stollen from them by suicide
and has written these articles from their hearts.

PLEASE RESPECT THEM !!!! Thank you !

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